Friday, November 30, 2018

Broken Nose

Rough night for this cutie!! Less than two minutes into her basketball game and she broke her nose. She was so mad that she had to leave the game! Anyways it has multiple breaks in it and she needs to go see and ENT. Dang the luck anyway!  

Thursday, November 29, 2018

A Walk With the Girls

I love nice warm days when the sun is shinning and life just feels great!  Last week we had one of those days and just had to get out and go for a walk!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Santa Run

Every year I sign up to do the Santa Run in Gunnison. Now I don't run so the name is a little deceiving but I do walk it. This year I wasn't too sure that I wanted to go. It was so dang cold!!! I honestly just wanted to stay in my house where it was warm and cozy. However, I decided to tough it out. I am so glad that I did. I got to walk with my cute niece, Miranda. We talked the entire time and just really enjoyed each other. Even though the snow hitting our faces stung!!! It was a good time.

Here is all our family that ended up going. Linsi, Mariah, Miranda, William, and Vicki in the back. Rhley, Addison, and Cherish in the front. 
Cherish and her girls ran part of it! Crazy!! William went home with his dad because it really was just too cold for him. Rhiley ended up riding the 4 wheeler with Kavon. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Beauty All Around

Oh my goodness! This was the view from my front porch this morning!! It was stunning! How can anyone see something like this and not thank our Heavenly Father for such a beautiful world? I wish I could have sat outside and such watched to changing sunrise. Sadly it was way too cold for me and I didn't have enough time. However, I did get the chance to spend a few moments enjoying the view.

Even my son, Bryson, commented on how pretty it was. I am so thankful for the small moments in life. It truly is the little things that matter!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Time Out for Women

Every year my mother-in-law (Glenna D), sister-in-law (Stacy), and I have gotten tickets to go to Time Out for Women. This year Shirley joined us there. I have to say this is one of absolutely favorite traditions! We have such a great time together. But the best part is the messages the speakers give. It's always amazing to me how much they apply directly to me! This year the theme was "Centered in Christ." Goodness it was perfect!!  Every speaker gave ideas and stories of including Christ in our lives. I left feeling so inspired and encouraged! One of my goals that I came up with this weekend was to memorize "The Living Christ." I know that it will help me and guide me. I am so very thankful for weekends like this where we can go and have fun but also be spiritual fed!!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Soccer Banquet

Sheridan's soccer team held their team banquet this past week. It was really quite nice to go and spend time with these great girls!!We laughed because Sheridan is playing basketball now and had to come straight from practice to the banquet. So she was a little sweaty!

Her best friend, Julie and her both got awards at the banquet. They were also both team captains this year and loved every minute of it!

Here is a picture of the girls on the team that made it to the banquet.

Sheridan was given the Bulldog award. It was awarded to her for being a true bulldog on and off the field. She went out of her way to help and encourage everyone.

The four senior gave out funny awards to all the team members. They shared stories that had happened throughout the year.

Then Heidi Facer gave the senior and Mia all a rose and told them how much they meant to her. She was their coach in Middle school and she just loves them!

The four seniors this year were Ashley Boore, Sheridan, Julie Snyder and Anika Liddiard. They have really enjoyed playing soccer together!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A Visit with Grandpa

Brian and I got to go visit with his Grandpa this week. I have to say there is something special about visiting elderly people. They have such a sweetness to them. Grandpa is always excited to visit with us! Even though his memory is not as good as it used to be, he still remembers Brian and is happy to visit with him.

While we were there Grandpa told us the same story about 5 times but he was so excited to share it that each time he told us his face lit up and he had the cutest little smirk on his face.  He thoroughly enjoyed reminiscing his childhood!

My favorite part is that whenever we leave he always thanks us and says that we are the only ones that ever come and visit him. Now I know that isn't true and that he is visited by Brian's family but it is so sweet and cute that I just love it!