Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I Don't Care

Today I got a text message from my daughter that said, "What do you want for lunch and I don't care is not an option." Oh my heck I had to laugh.  I am notorious for saying that.  It truly is how I feel most of the time.  I am just happy to be here on this earth and the details just don't usually bug me that much.  I just kind of go with the flow.   But the fact of the matter is that I have been thinking a lot about my easy going attitude lately.  My sister use to hate me because when she would ask me what shirt shirt should buy I would tell her, "I don't care.  Just get whatever one you like best."  I know she thought I was just being rude but in all honesty I wasn't.  If there was a shirt I didn't like I would have told her.  I just didn't want to control what she wore.  I feel bad that it hurt her feelings so much that she still gets bothered today if her girls say "I don't care.  Just wear what you want."  So for that I am deeply sorry.  I would have never intentionally hurt her.  Now what do I do?  Do I try to be more opinionated or do I just keep on going the way I have been?

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